Click Here For Grammy's History

Click Here For Grammy's History

This soap and candle company started in my head about ten years ago. So finally, this year I"m able to launch! Yay! Love it when things come together. 

Why Grammys, you ask?

Lemme explain by telling you a story. I had the good fortune throughout my childhood, to have a few older ladies I could think of as "grammy" in my life. The first I can remember was when I was about 3. This Grammy lived across the dirt road from our ranch in Southwest Montana. Her husband had brought her over from the old country as a young bride.She worked the ranch and he worked in the Butte copper mine. She didn't speak a lick of English and he thought it would be great fun to teach her all the swear words first. So when I was about three and she was ancient, I was visiting at her house. I recall her deeply wrinkled cheeks, shiny blue eyes, beautiful toothless smile, and the blue scarf that she always wore tied under her chin. She was bending over me, gently squeezing my cheek and saying softly,  "You're-a such-a cute-a sown-a-beecha! God BLESS you sown-a-beecha!

Grammy smiled kindly and I was a little confused. I thought that was a bad word. So I  told my mom about it later.  Mom smiled and explained that Grammy thought that was term of endearment, and I shouldn't think of that as swearing when Grammy said it. But I shouldn't say it...

Old Grammy was delightful to everyone who knew her. I'll tell you one more story because it's too good not to tell. This was before I was born, mom was a young bride in the late 1950's and she'd done the laundry and hung the clothes on the clothesline to dry. She looked out the window and saw Grammy, who lived across the road, standing in our yard at the clothesline, looking into my dad's underwear. Mom stepped out onto the back porch and said, "Grammy, what're you doing?!?" Grammy, with her fingers opening the waistband of dad's shorts, looked up, surprised.  She said in her Serbian brouge, "Gay-a! You're-a good-a woman!!! That-a Norman! He's-a laucky sown-a-beecha!!! There's-a no sheet in these-a shorts-a." :)

Grammy was wise and she had a way with words. She used to say, "I work-a the hard. I pay-a my bills-a. And I Keese Heese Ass-a NOBODY!

Be like Grammy. 



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